英語お役立ち情報English Pronunciation Column
Discovering Soundsです!
3DCGとAIの技術を用いた体験型英語発音矯正アプリ、DISCOVERING NATIVE! ブラウザ上で動くので、パソコンやスマホなどお手もちのデバイスでサクサク学習できます。 最新の技術を詰め込んだ英語発音矯正アプリが、今なら1ヵ月無料のトライアル可能! 20秒ですぐに始められて、クレジットカード登録も不要です。 体験型英語発音矯正アプリDISCOVERING NATIVEはコチラ
① 人数
10~20人: “10 to 20 people” または “from 10 to 20 people”
”The conference room can comfortably accommodate 10 to 20 people.”
”The restaurant’s private dining room can serve from 10 to 20 people.”
② 年数
1990年~2000年: “from 1990 to 2000″ または “1990 through 2000″
“My family lived in Japan from 1990 to 2000 2000.”
”The research covers the decade from 1990 through 2000.”
③ 曜日
月曜日~金曜日: “from Monday to Friday” または “Monday through Friday”
”I have classes from Monday to Friday.”
”Our office is open Monday through Friday from 9 am to 5 pm.”
④ 朝~夜
朝~夜: “from morning to night” または “from morning till night”
”She works from morning till night.”
”She studied from morning to night to prepare for her final exams.”
⑤ 時間
9:00~17:00: “from 9:00 to 17:00″ または “from 9:00 till 17:00″
”My shift at the hospital is from 9:00 to 17:00.”
”The workshop will run from 9:00 till 17:00 with a one-hour lunch break.”
⑥ お金
5ドル~10ドル: “from 5 to 10 dollars”
”The price ranges from 5 to 10 dollars.”
”The cost for parking in this area ranges from 5 to 10 dollars.”
⑦ A~Z
A~Z: “from A to Z” または “from A through Z”
”This course will teach you the basics of computer programming from A to Z.”
”The instruction manual details the product setup from A through Z.”
⑧ 季節
春~秋: “from spring to autumn” または “from spring through autumn”
”We enjoy outdoor activities from spring to autumn.”
”We grow a wide range of vegetables on our farm from spring through autumn.”
⑨ 年齢
10歳~15歳: “10 to 15 years old” または “from 10 to 15 years old”
”Children aged 10 to 15 can participate in the program.”
”The book is suitable for readers from 10 to 15 years old.”
⑩ 場所
東京~大阪: “from Tokyo to Osaka”
”We traveled from Tokyo to Osaka by train.”
”She moved from Tokyo to Osaka for her new job.”
⑪ 性別
男性~女性: “from male to female” または “male to female”
”The event aims to promote gender equality from male to female.”
”The patient underwent a male to female gender reassignment surgery.”
⑫ 学校
幼稚園~高校: “kindergarten to high school” または “from kindergarten through high school”
”He studied from kindergarten through high school in the same school.”
”He has been playing piano since he was in kindergarten to high school.”
⑬ 上~下
上~下: “top to bottom” または “from top to bottom”
”The renovation plan includes a top to bottom makeover of the building.”
”She carefully arranged the books from top to bottom on the shelf.”
⑭ 方角
左~右: “from left to right”
”Please move the slider from left to right to adjust the volume.”
⑮ 大きさ
大~小: “from large to small”
”She organized the boxes based on size from large to small.”
⑯ 高さ
高~低: “from high to low”
”The prices of the products range from high to low.”
⑰ スピード
早~遅: “from early to late”
”The train schedule offers departures from early to late.”
”He works long hours, from early in the day to late in the evening.”
⑱ 味覚
甘~辛: “from sweet to spicy”
”The menu offers dishes with flavors ranging from sweet to spicy.”
「~」は英語の表現で広く使われる記号です。この記号を使って範囲や複数を表現する際には、”to”、”through”、”from…to”、”till” などの単語を用います。
英語の発音を習得したいとお考えの方は、Discovering Soundsのレッスンがおすすめです。